Posts tagged with "school"

Essays, Rock Climbing, Etc.

I was­n’t going to write today, but the gen­tle light from the set­ting sun, along with the mild, wind­less chill, has affect­ed me in such a man­ner that I wish only to speak of the bound­less beau­ty that the weath­er can pro­vide. I’m remind­ed of the spring walks home from Ashley’s house, feel­ing the cool air through my hair with the pale orange sky above my head. Pure con­tent­ment.

Progress on my essays has not been going well. I have spent the last half week on geol­o­gy, and still have less than two pages done. I wish the ter­mi­nol­o­gy was­n’t so mar­ket based. Fuck.

I was able to go rock climb­ing for a sec­ond time with Trolley, Cristina, Aaron, Wheaties, Nick, Greg, Amanda, and Simon. It was great to have so many peo­ple go at once, so that we could just won­der around and see how oth­er peo­ple were doing. I was able to scale three more walls that I was­n’t able to last time, which were all 5.6’s. The tips of my fin­gers were raw at the end from belay­ing so much. My fore­arm strength is cur­rent­ly the first thing to give, so I was­n’t very sore the next day. We head­ed out to Perkins after and pigged out on good food. What a great fuck­ing time.

I was able to ask Simon about his tongue stud, and he told me that out of all the pierc­ings he’s had (ears and eye­brow), the tongue was the least painful by far, due to the fact that the nerve end­ings are all on the sur­face of the tongue. Once the spike goes through the tongue, noth­ing is felt after­wards. New infor­ma­tion that I’ll have to con­sid­er.

Tuesday. Brideshead Revisited. Jeremy Irons is one sexy, sexy man.

Dolores has been extra cud­dly these last few days, and I’ve been wok­en up by her turn­ing a few times, before nestling on my legs or stom­ach. I feel bad that I feel so con­strict­ed every time she set­tles down, caus­ing me to toss and turn. It’s as if itch­es only come once a cat has found a pil­low in your lap.

Sometimes I'm So Tired That I Pass Out

Somehow, I did man­age to fall asleep in class today, and it was great. I felt much bet­ter the rest of the day.

I’ve been rack­ing my brain over a ques­tion on one of my assign­ments. I haven’t worked this hard on one ques­tion the whole term, but I did man­age to solve the prob­lem. I even­tu­al­ly had to e‑mail my prof to get some help, and she was extreme­ly help­ful.

I final­ly watched through the end of Safe. Parts of it made me very angry. Parts of it made me feel very sick. There was a great lack of emo­tion in the film. I felt as if it was sup­posed to come from the audi­ence. When some char­ac­ters did become emo­tion­al, it was very inter­est­ing. It’s not real­ly my choice of sub­ject mat­ter, but I found it to be a movie which was well put togeth­er.

I’m pleased with the way my sto­ry came out on Sunday. I feel that it por­trays the sit­u­a­tion in a prop­er man­ner, which is the most sig­nif­i­cant part. It always seems as if my best work is acci­den­tal, and that I don’t actu­al­ly have any tal­ent, just some good luck.

It Was Beautifully Dark, Cold, And Wet When I Went Outside Today

It remind­ed me of home, when I would walk back from Ashley’s house on the shin­ing pave­ment.

I got 14 hours of sleep today, and I still feel a lit­tle drowsy. My exhaus­tion must be catch­ing up to me.

I fig­ured out that I have four mid-terms and three assign­ments due next week. I real­ly should be work­ing hard­er. I got today off both work and school, since it’s a school hol­i­day, and I made up my work hours on Tuesday. I was only able to fin­ish one assign­ment today, since I gen­er­al­ly just felt lack­adaisi­cal.

It’s amaz­ing to find out what peo­ple blame for their mis­for­tunes. The lat­est sniper killings have the Washington Post going on about how the deaths are com­put­er game relat­ed, the con­nec­tion between “I am god” to “god mode” in games. I wish peo­ple would under­stand that any­thing can cause some­one to mur­der, and that it’s not pop­u­lar cul­ture that sim­ply leads some­one to take a life, it’s most like­ly a men­tal heatlh issue that devel­ops with­out rela­tion to a game. Popular cul­ture may pro­vide an idea for a method of mur­der, but the idea that a game can spark some­ones will­ing­ness to kill seems com­plete­ly ridicu­lous to me.

Living With A Cat

I’m extreme­ly tired. My kit­ten kept me up all night. She took the mid­dle of the bed, so I kin­da had to sleep around her. I kept wak­ing up, every time I need­ed to shift posi­tions, scared that I would crush her. I’ve been play­ing with her dur­ing the evening so she los­es a bit of the noc­tur­nal instinct to go crazy at night. I named her Dolly, after Nobokov’s char­ac­ter Dolores Haze. I need­ed to keep the name under two syl­la­bles, and I think that it’s a good sym­bol of the way one can nev­er tell whether a cat or human is the mas­ter, just as you could­n’t tell whether Dolores or Humber was in con­trol.

I feel so unor­ga­nized. I have so many things to do it seems. Take care of this, take care of that. I think that I’ve brought a lot of respon­si­bil­i­ty on myself, adopt­ing a kit­ten, apply­ing for a Big Brother posi­tion, doing this and doing that. I think that I feel much more mature and impor­tant when I do all this. Perhaps it’s a cry for atten­tion, but I doubt it. It feels like I’m sud­den­ly being over­loaded with things to do. I did­n’t fin­ish a sin­gle one of the three assign­ments that I had due this week. I’ve actu­al­ly been los­ing sleep, which is an extreme­ly rare thing for me.

I felt so guilty about those assign­ments. I’m pret­ty sure that I failed one of them. I just need to keep every­thing in per­spec­tive, some­thing that Sam taught me so long ago it seems. Everything feels so chaot­ic, spi­ral­ing out­wards like Yeats’ fal­con from the fal­con­er. Not that I think the Second Coming as at hand, of course, but things just seem so com­pli­cat­ed right now. They’re noth­ing com­pared to oth­er peo­ples’ prob­lems, I know, but I’m not use to being so respon­si­ble.