Posts tagged with "cottage"

Cottage On A Thursday

Thumbnail: Boat upholstery

I got to work ear­ly this morn­ing, around 7:30 or so. It was an effort to make up for yes­ter­day, in which I called in sick. By 8:30, my boss had asked me to go to his cot­tage and help him with his new pon­toon, and we left by nine.

Thumbnail: Boat motor

After pick­ing the boat up from the deal­er­ship, I was charged with the task of dri­ving his car from one of the boat docks of the lake to his cot­tage. We spent the whole day there, and I man­aged to get in a few pho­tos. I like the shot of the uphol­stery the most: the colours are per­fect, and have those lux­u­ri­ous, match­ing cream colours that are so char­ac­ter­is­tic of aqua vehi­cles. Even the motor is pret­ty sweet (4‑stroke elec­tron­ic fuel injec­tion) and only requires the turn of a key to start.

Thumbnail: Cottage dock

I’m exhaust­ed now, but it was def­i­nite­ly nice to be out of the office and on a lake, on a Thursday no less.