Trapped in NYC

A few weeks ago, an anony­mous per­son very thought­ful­ly sent me a track called NYC by Brolin. This per­son must know me quite well, cause the song is to my taste exact­ly. Not only that, but I’d been mean­ing to make a short film about my trip to New York (as well as the extend­ed stay due to Hurricane Sandy), and Brolin’s min­i­mal­is­tic sound space and ghost­ly vocals gave me an atmos­phere of warmth and won­der that matched my footage per­fect­ly.

Personally, I don’t think I could ever cre­ate any­thing and name it NYC. It’s a city with too much depth and com­plex­i­ty to try encap­su­lat­ing in a verse or song or mov­ing image, then tie it up with three sim­ple let­ters. I can’t wait to go back again some day to cap­ture as much as I can.


  1. I won­der what peo­ple name this style of music. I did­n’t know this was your taste, but then our taste changes as we grow. I like the film clip.

  2. Long time read­er (I love the pho­tos and sto­ries!), first time poster.

    This video is awe­some and the music goes won­der­ful­ly with it.

    • Hey Duncan, thanks for de-lurk­ing! Always inter­est­ing to find out who’s read­ing.

  3. Jeff, your videos are always amaz­ing and inspir­ing! Don’t stop!

    I record­ed a few dozen videos from my last trip to NS and have been plan­ning on learn­ing how to edit them togeth­er. It’ll be ama­teur hour but ever since your Hong Kong Markets video from years ago I’ve want­ed to make one. Hopefully some­time this quar­ter :)

    • Thanks Sikander! I look for­ward to see­ing what you do with your footage. Let me know when it’s ready!

  4. A poet­ic clip with a fit­ting, calm­ing sound.

    I occa­sion­al­ly stop by and take a look at your blog. What keeps me doing this are your thought­ful writ­ings and the way you trans­late real life moments into atmos­pher­ic pic­tures, still and mov­ing alike.

    Greetings from Berlin!

  5. A mas­ter­piece! I watched this count­less times, thanks for craft­ing and shar­ing.

    Actually, I took your short film as an inspi­ra­tion to final­ly get my feet wet with video edit­ing, too. If you’re curi­ous, how that turned out… well, I just uploaded my first video.

    Thanks for being an inspi­ra­tion. Stay awe­some.

    • You have a beau­ti­ful trib­ute to the city there, Stephan. I’m glad I was able to inspire, thank you for shar­ing!

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