the path of least resistance

on the path of least resis­tance, you dis­cov­er:

  • it is impos­si­ble to explain the appeal of dub­step to some­one who’s nev­er heard it
  • every­thing works out in the end
  • moon­walk­ing is eas­i­er to do with­out pants on
  • just hugs are com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent from hugs after kiss­es
  • no one is ever too old to eat Pocky
  • say­ing we can still be friends is like your mom telling you your dog died and say­ing you can still keep it
  • there is nev­er enough time
  • Dolly will do any­thing for food


  1. say­ing we can still be friends is like your mom telling you your dog died and say­ing you can still keep it”

    This is the keen­est thing that I have ever read about the old saw “we can still be friends”.

    You’ll have to show me your moon­walk progress, but you’ll also have to keep your pants on.

  2. say­ing we can still be friends is like your mom telling you your dog died and say­ing you can still keep it”

    If you did­n’t invent this line.… It’s a stel­lar line. It should be on t‑shirts. It should be on those planes that drag pas­sive aggres­sive mes­sages over wall­street. It should be tat­tooed over every heart.

    Also Dolly sit! AWESOME

  3. I sec­ond that about the dog-died line! You know a sound­bite when you hear one X D

    Dude: I can NOT do a moon­walk, pants, no pants, skirt, tutu, noth­in. You are way ahead of us.

    Dolly is so patient! Food will accom­plish pret­ty much any­thing with ani­mals.

  4. I have to give cred­it where it’s due; I saw that line on some­one’s Twitter stream, and it com­plete­ly res­onat­ed with me. I so wish I’d come up with it myself.

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