It was this succinct wit. She could say so much in a line or two, and anything left unsaid would only serve to feed your curiosity. You’d be given the punchline, this blow that would knock the wind out of you, then wonder what circumstances could have led up to that. I’ve always been after that style, that ability to move people with words the way hers used to move me.
For a few years, I lost her to the happiness (where I hope to lose myself one day) until we spent a rainy day together, blissed out and hopefully obvious only to the check-out lady who scanned all our varieties of chocolate.
Dear Lisa believes in me, and that’s the only reason I believe in myself too.
Can’t wait for next time.
There’s gonna be dancing! I also see myself being super self-conscious about it.
Ditto (about me)! We’ll just have to convince those particular brain cells to look the other way for awhile.
Jeff willing to dance is a big deal. Cudos to Lisa.
Hahahaha I can’t believe you remember that! I bet you’re the only person who still knows this about me.
How can I forget. I almost got you to try it. I did forget what stupid thing I added later which gave you a reason not to do it.
Don’t feel so bad, it wasn’t just you, I’ve never been comfortable about dancing (and I don’t plan on ever doing it sober). I also made a deal with Lisa that I’d try dancing with her if she tried jamming with me, though I probably won’t hold her to it.
I will try to be a good sport though.
If you can play an instrument in front of an audience, it’s the same hurdle to get past for dancing.
Alcohol really helps.