Home early

After a night of camp­ing, I’m home more than a day ear­ly. The unre­lent­ing rain and insects were enough for me to won­der whether it’s worth for­go­ing the com­forts of home (and rest, and clean­li­ness) for a few new sub­jects to pho­to­graph.

I now have sev­er­al mos­qui­to bites on my body, about the size of my fist each. This is with­out any scratch­ing on my part, and they’re steadi­ly grow­ing. My skin has always react­ed bad­ly to mos­qui­to bites. I’m pret­ty sure I’d have to turn down National Geographic if they ever offered me a job as a wildlife pho­tog­ra­ph­er.




  1. Gorgeous pho­to, although it looks pret­ty com­fy for camp­ing in the for­est. I’d take mos­qui­to bites all over my face to get a job as a National Geographic pho­tog­ra­ph­er if I were you…
    Hope you re-con­sid­er that if/when you get the offer.

  2. Love this pho­to. Sorry about your mos­qui­to bites. I live in Louisiana, so to avoid them, I’d have to stay inside always.

    • Yeah, that’s pret­ty much why I stay inside most of the time too. I’m a total base­ment dweller.

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