Happiness condensed

The weath­er’s been so hot late­ly that I’ve been eat­ing a tub of ice cream every three days. This is prob­a­bly why I’ve been try­ing to come up with new ways of con­sum­ing it. At one point, I added some choco­late wafer rolls, and real­ized you don’t even need a spoon because you can use the rolls to scoop up the ice cream.

It’s best to do this with a pre­mi­um brand like Häagen-Dazs, because they’re real­ly dense (less air is mixed in), so they stay firm for longer. That means you don’t have to eat the ice cream quick­ly before it melts…but if you lived alone and had no one to mind the slurp­ing, a wafer roll dou­bles as a straw too.

ice cream


This one is Caramel Cone Explosion, my favourite Häagen-Dazs flavour: caramel swirls and sug­ar cone cov­ered in Belgian milk choco­late with roast­ed almost pieces, in caramel ice cream.

I also recent­ly tried If I Had A Million Flavors by Ben & Jerry’s, which is described on the tub, “A Collision of Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Creams mixed with Chocolate-cov­ered tof­fee, White Chocolate Chunks, Peanut Butter Cups & Chocolate-Covered almonds”. Which is pure hedo­nism, real­ly.


  1. Mmmm… I also enjoy hav­ing ice cream in a glass. It’s just the right amount.

    • And I like being able to see where the chunks of choco­late are, so I can plan out my eat­ing path. :D

    • A set of those glass­es was a home warm­ing gift from an old uni­ver­si­ty friend actu­al­ly. They’re made of lead crys­tal and have a fan­tas­tic weight to them. The only dis­ad­van­tage is that they’re not dish­wash­er safe.

    • Hahahh, that one, along with Cherry Garcia, are old favourites of mine. I haven’t seen a tub of Half Baked in my gro­cery store recent­ly though.

  2. Dude: Phish Food. Ben & Jerry’s even makes it in “Light”.

    Was watch­ing a show on Argentina, and they made a sun­dae of Vanilla bean gela­to, dulce de leche carmel­ly goo, a pile of tiny crunchy white meringues, and some seri­ous whipped cream. It was total­ly porn watch­ing them make it.

    • I’ve heard of Phish food, but I’ve yet to see it any­where in Canada. And I love any­thing vanil­la bean. Yep, I just made that into an adjec­tive.

  3. Ice Cream (Soda) Float: three scoops of ice cream and a half can of Canada Dry. That’ll take me back to my child­hood at my grand par­en­t’s restau­rant every time.

    Check the link for oth­er inter­est­ing name vari­a­tions.

    • Canada Dry? I’ve nev­er tried a float with gin­ger ale (only with Root Beer or Coke), but now I have to. It sounds so strange with­out a cola!

  4. Now this is just mean. I am soooooooooooooo hun­gry.

  5. Ohhhhhhh!!! I had for­got­ten about the Canada Dry float !! that was awe­some. Great, now I have to go buy some. : /

    • Hahahah, in uni­ver­si­ty I tried Bailey’s and orange juice as part of a game. Same out­come. That ver­ti­cal banana split looks amaz­ing, if not pre­car­i­ous to eat.

  6. have you eat­en it for break­fast yet? ^^

    • Does it count if I have it as dessert after break­fast?

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