Audra's 34th

For Audra’s birth­day we head­ed to the Savana Cafe, with some choco­late ice cream cake at the William’s res­i­dence after leav­ing the very rude ser­vice we were giv­en.

I also got to meet Jesse’s dad, Jim. He reminds me very much of his son in terms of their intel­lect and inter­ests, and I found it quite nov­el to talk to an old­er ver­sion of Jesse with a soft voice and grey facial hair.

Dinner table

Across the table is Jesse, Caitlyn, Ariel, Ira, and Jairus. Jesse’s dad to my right.

10 minute star trails

Sea scal­lops, with smoked pork bel­ly, cur­ried fin­ger­ling pota­to, roast­ed sun­choke and gala apple sal­sa, eno­ki mush­room, and almond essence. The sea scal­lops were fresh and ten­der, but every­thing else tast­ed so weird I was­n’t even sure if it was sup­posed to taste like that.

Jesse Dangerously peace

Ariel for­got her fez, so Jesse dou­bled up.

Jesse's dad

Jim is also a ukulele play­er. He pimped out his Mahalo him­self, but I did­n’t get a chance to play it.

Opening presents

Audra got exter­nal midi con­trollers so she could start com­pos­ing her own music. You could­n’t get any­thing more fit­ting from an indie rap­per and an indus­tri­al musi­cian.



    • Thanks for let­ting me be involved in the cel­e­bra­tion!

  2. Hi Jeff, this is one of Jesse’s sis­ters, and besides enjoy­ing this post, I find it absolute­ly thrilling that dad can now be referred to as a “ukulele play­er”!!
    He’s come a long way from total­ly despis­ing ukule­les.

    • Well, I did­n’t actu­al­ly get a chance to hear him play, but he cer­tain­ly seemed com­fort­able enough with hold­ing one. How could any­one despise a ukulele?

  3. The way you can tall that my father and I are relat­ed is that our heads are both freak­ish­ly dis­tort­ed — look at that first image!!

    • This is where I talk about how the wide-angle dis­tor­tion gets espe­cial­ly heavy around the edges of the frame on a full-frame cam­era…

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