Maple syrup festival

There was a maple syrup fes­ti­val in Perth. A bit of serendip­i­ty too, because I had just run out of my last cache of real maple syrup, stored in a bot­tle of Crown Royal my mom gave me.

Perth is a great for a get­ting to vis­it a small town with­out hav­ing to dri­ve too far. We missed the pan­cake break­fast in the morn­ing, but made up for it by hav­ing maple sausages.


I bought me a bot­tle of amber maple syrup. Apparently, it’s thick­er and rich­er than the reg­u­lar maple syrup.

hanging out


Mexicali Rosa's

A very fash­ion­able Mexicali Rosa’s, built on a riv­er.

photography by the pond

One of the rea­sons I went was to show Aaron and Trolley a few pho­tog­ra­phy tricks. We’re all shoot­ing Canon now, and it’s cool to have anoth­er thing in com­mon with my friends, espe­cial­ly some­thing I enjoy so much.



radiator ornament

There was a whole antique car line­up down one street. This is one badass radi­a­tor orna­ment on a firetruck red 1920s jalopy.

buying cotton candy

Not for him­self, but Steph. In pink, of course.

taffy on snow

Taffy driz­zled over a stick on a bed of ice, also known as taffy on snow.


  1. Whoa, between when I post­ed my last com­ment and when it refreshed, the new post just went up. Love love love the extra space it affords the pic­tures!

    • Thanks for the feedback…I’m still tweak­ing things around here, so they may look a bit off for now.

  2. Great pic­tures! I’ll get you and Aaron mine, then you need to give me a post-pro­cess­ing tuto­r­i­al.

    I real­ly like the new lay­out too :)

    • Sure thing, although post-pro­cess­ing is a lot hard­er if you’re shoot­ing JPEG instead of RAW. I’ll send you a link for some of the Photoshop actions I use.

  3. Love the new for­mat! However I think your cap­tions are com­ing out fly­ing too far left on my ::ancient:: Explorer brows­er (sor­ry it’s what we have for work).

    • Holy crap, you need to send this arti­cle to your IT depart­ment! I used to be a huge advo­cate of cross-brows­er com­pat­i­bil­i­ty, but I did­n’t even test this ver­sion in IE6 cause it’s so bad.

  4. you have no idea how mean it is to post such a thing like the first pho­to. i am read­ing this on a sun­day and no shop is open offer­ing maple sirup.

    shame on you! ;-)


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