Found footage, captured with my small CCD camcorder. It struggles in low light situations, but when I brought up the levels in post, out came this amazing grain that gives it such a wistful texture.
When watching this, my eyes tend to gravitate to her hands; the way she moves them with a light, but firm touch, whether it’s getting Dolly to sit down, or brushing cat hair from her nose. They were artists hands. Not particularly striking, but filled with delicate dexterity. Sometimes, I’d kiss the tip of each finger, and she’d tease me by pulling her hand away before I could finish.
It must have been one winter morning, after a run out to Second Cup with their holiday-themed paper cups, watching The Blue Planet in the comfort of a blanket with a cat by our side.
Only after finding this footage did I start to believe that my memories were real, and not just imaginations caught between the haze of desire and denial.
We existed. We existed.
Even if only for a few moments, as wonderful as they were fleeting, one of them captured in 24 frames per second.
Utterly gorgeous. Heartbreaking in a way. But lovely.
I think it’s amazing that something can be described as both heartbreaking and lovely. They’re not adjectives on opposite sides of the same spectrum, even though they both sort of contradict. Love can be so many things at once.
very nice. very sweet and cosy. those are the moments I love best — they everyday closeness with someone you love.
I was going to write about how it’s the comforting familiarity — the small pecks instead of the passionate kisses — I used to enjoy the most, but when I thought about it, I really couldn’t decide on my favourite part of it all. There were too many wonderful things that happened for me to pick between them.
I agree with Xibee.
I think it’s really cool when you make these videos with the girls you’re dating. Most normal/average girls would find it weird, but since you’re so cool, I think it takes even more extraordinary women to agree to it and find it ordinary or even charming. I know I’d think it was weird at first, but then again, I’d want to do the same thing with people I’d date. I endlessly documented everything with N when we were first dating.
It definitely does take someone extraordinary to understand (and appreciate) why I post these videos of something long past. For me, it’s not just about capturing a moment to make sure it lasts, it’s to express a feeling of love, to show to the world how simple happiness to be, and not everyone gets that.
Also, the title reminds me of the Carpenter song “Close to You,” which breaks my heart at the same time it makes it soar.
The title is actually from the song by Bebel Gilberto. I’ll have to look up this Carpenters song; I’ve always liked Karen Carpenter’s voice.
You’ll have to look it UP?!!
Ohmygod I’m such a fossil ::sobs::