Fishing Without A Hook

I’ve been liv­ing the strangest exis­tence late­ly. It’s been a life with­out struc­ture or mean­ing. I won­der what I’ll think of this phase of my life when I look back in five years.

Some days are eas­i­er than oth­ers. Sometimes, it’s a strug­gle just to find a rea­son to exist.

I have to admit that every pain, every sad­ness is inspir­ing. It may make my fin­gers bleed and my lungs ache, but the pure emo­tion that comes out of it is worth it, because that means I’m feel­ing some­thing, instead of the numb­ness that scares me most.

My one mis­take was try­ing to for­get some­one, when instead I should have been try­ing to for­get life in gen­er­al. I’ve always had the habit of think­ing too much, and not doing enough. I’ve been try­ing to set goals to get some­where, when it’s work­ing toward those goals that’s the impor­tant part.

I made an appoint­ment with my ther­a­pist again1, because some­thing is def­i­nite­ly wrong with me right now. It feels like I have the world at my fin­ger­tips. I have so much time and oppor­tu­ni­ty on my side. I laugh at the right jokes. I dance at the right songs. It’s all star­ing me in the face, but every­thing still feels emp­ty.

I’m not look­ing for answers. I just want to stop ask­ing ques­tions.

  1. I haven’t been back since last October []

One comment

  1. The only thing that heals me when I am like that is mak­ing music. It’s the only thing that does all the key things: removes you from your­self a bit; demands of you an exact­ing pro­duc­tion and chal­lenge (par­tic­u­lar­ly if you’re get­ting some­thing fig­ured out by ear, which is my method); rewards you with the sat­is­fac­tion of achieve­ment; and pours into your soul like hon­ey, mak­ing you lighter no mat­ter how griev­ing the song may be.

    Art too, for some; I had a teacher who told me I was wast­ing time THINKING and plan­ning instead of mak­ing. Since he passed away of a heart attack a cou­ple years back, that lit­tle gem pokes me more and more now in the shoul­der. PLAY!
    DO IT NOW!!
    it says.

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