Super Bowl Sunday

Thumbnail: Aaron pumps gas

We cov­er a lot of ground on the dri­ve, stuff I would­n’t admit to just any­one. It’s good to have a set amount of time for some one on one. We see each oth­er at par­ties, but it’s nev­er time by our­selves.

Thumbnail: Rob's lair

We get there a few hours ear­ly because it isn’t so much about the game as hang­ing out with the two friends I don’t see enough. There’s a cool­er full of snow and beer, and the food is com­ing in pro­tein; pigs-in-blan­kets, ground beef nachos, chick­en fin­gers, crab dip, meat balls.

Thumbnail: Cradle

For a night, I’m with guys who punch arms, exchange ver­bal jabs, and laugh at blue col­lar jokes. Two lit­tle girls run around, and no one ever lets that change them. Now they’re fathers, but they’ll always be real men.


  1. it was awsome to see you man thanks for come­ing it wouldent have been the same with­out you
    also i wish to inform you of our rematch when next we meet
    i will be prac­ti­ce­ing .……as soon as u tell me the name again lol

    • It was good to see you too man. We will rematch in Orbital!

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