Working Hard and Playing Hard


Thumbnail: Barbecue
Thumbnail: Documentary night
Thumbnail: Karen and kids
Thumbnail: Strawberries and scones
Thumbnail: Stuffed animals

It’s been busy. Side work is going well, and I try to do as much as I can on week­nights so I can have my week­ends free.

It’s made for a rather hec­tic sched­ule, which is a wel­come dis­trac­tion at the moment. I feel great for being pro­duc­tive, and great for being able to relax. Time is fly­ing. I can’t believe it’s past the mid­dle of September already.

I use to bring my cam­eras with me every­where, but now I find I’m tak­ing few­er pic­tures. I want to be less of an observer/documentalist and more of a par­tic­i­pa­tor late­ly. I don’t want to miss out on liv­ing from wor­ry­ing if I’m cap­tur­ing every­thing as best as pos­si­ble.

Things iPhone app

One of the things that’s helped me main­tain my pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is Things for my iPhone, which gives lit­tle alert badges on the things that are due. It’s a great moti­va­tor when you want to clear the alerts from your home screen.

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