Summer Gatherings

Broccoli salad

Thumbnail: Cherry tomatoes
Thumbnail: Unwrapping salad
Thumbnail: Cutting bread
Thumbnail: Oiled zucchini
Thumbnail: Pat barbecues
Thumbnail: Layering ribs
Thumbnail: Jason and fiancee
Thumbnail: Spicy wings
Thumbnail: Macaroons
Thumbnail: Strawberry cake


  1. i did not know that about ribs! will def­i­nite­ly try it the next time i do a bar­be­cue.

    that cake must have been awe­some because just look­ing at it made my mouth water.

    hope you’re well!

    • I did­n’t know that about ribs either until I watched him do it. Of course, I buy pre-mar­i­nat­ed ribs, so I guess it does­n’t real­ly mat­ter. :)

      And yes, the cake was awe­some, but every­thing else was too.

  2. Isn’t the first pic­ture broc­coli sal­ad, and the fifth zuc­chi­ni (not cucum­ber)?

    • Good call…thanks, I made the changes. Shows you how often I eat veg­gies.

  3. mac­a­roooooonnnsss!

    Originally authen­tic to France. You can’t trust what Italians tell you!

    They have real­ly good ones at the French Baker in the mar­ket which is a major plus to going back to work next week.

    • Oops, I meant to say that they were from France (they went to Italy and Spain too, so my brain was mixed up).

      I’m so going to have to check out the French Baker this sum­mer.

  4. Gorgeous cake and mac­a­roons. If I weren’t star­ing at a straw­ber­ry cup­cake this morn­ing by coin­ci­dence, I’d feel deprived.

    I don’t know why some com­mer­cial pho­tog­ra­phy firm or Corbis or some­one has­n’t snatched you up yet; your pics of food are so entic­ing.

    • Half the work of tak­ing good food pho­tos is mak­ing good food, so I can’t take all the cred­it!

      I’ve con­sid­ered doing stock pho­tog­ra­phy, but I think I’d rather go the artis­tic pho­tog­ra­phy route for now.

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