More Stolen Words and Pictures

Most recent­ly, a per­son called Cleo, who also goes by the mis­nomer “sexy1980”, stole both words and pic­tures from a heart­felt entry I wrote after a par­tic­u­lar­ly hard day. Word-for-word. You see that car on her site? That’s my car.

Cleo steals

If you dare to look at this abor­tion of a web page, do so at your own risk. I warn you, the ani­ma­tions and colours are not for the feint of heart.

I was­n’t hap­py when some­one start­ed copy­ing entire entries of mine, word-for-word, or when anoth­er per­son stole my design of Version 10 (his attempt­ed redesign in an effort to cov­er up his actions isn’t that far off either). Sure, I also get peo­ple hotlink­ing my images too, but I take sim­ple plea­sure in replac­ing the images with pic­tures of a lemon par­ty, because I get to laugh at things like this.

But when some­one steals both my words and hotlinks my pic­tures I get real­ly pissed off.


  1. !!! omg. How can some­one steal your posts like that? Isn’t there an unsaid blog­ger rule, thou shall not steal blog posts from oth­er blog­gers! Those are your thoughts, not hers. How dare she!

    What are you going do it about it?

  2. So I guess we can assume that the pho­to of “Miss Cleo” is prob­a­bly stolen from some­one’s web­site as well. She’s prob­a­bly real­ly a troll of the fem­i­nine per­sua­sion in real life … or the epony­mous obese man sit­ting naked and drool­ing at this com­put­er mon­i­tor.

  3. @J. — There are no spe­cif­ic “blog­ging rules” (aside from an unwrit­ten code), but thank­ful­ly there are copy­right laws. I con­tact­ed to report mem­ber abuse, and I’m try­ing to con­tact oth­er writ­ers who had their con­tent stolen from her. Sometimes, a bad rep­u­ta­tion is enough.

    @Michael — Since the pho­to is of a decent qual­i­ty, I think it’s safe to assume the pro­file pic­ture is stolen too. Obese man is prob­a­bly not far off.

  4. Ok so maybe I should be shot but I signed up just so I could leave the troll a mes­sage call­ing “him” or “her” or “It” a thief. Doesn’t accom­plish any­thing I know but what can I say? Reminds me of the days in high school when peo­ple would do my friends dirty. Its just not right!

  5. I say bring back the lemon par­ty. It could snuff out oth­er hotlink­ers as well.

  6. This troll should burned at the stake as an exam­ple to oth­er trolls ! ( we could take pics — let them steal them if they like? Hahahahah )


  7. @Lucy — Actually, the last time I had an whole entry stolen, many of my read­ers left com­ments on the thief’s page, and that was enough to stop him. So thank you. Maybe it’ll get through to her.

    Would love to have read what you wrote. :)

    @Karsh — The only prob­lem with the lemon par­ty method is that I just tem­porar­i­ly replace my orig­i­nal image with the offen­sive one, which means peo­ple who see that pic­ture legit­i­mate­ly from my site will be in for a bad sur­prise. Works great when it’s on the hotlink­ers front page though.

    @beautifulisness — If the pic­tures would be used as a warn­ing, I would have no prob­lem let­ting peo­ple post them. :)

  8. Omg that’s so mad­den­ing.…

    She even stole your title!!!

    Hello from Canada! Today I decid­ed to dri­ve to nowhere.”


  9. I don’t under­stand the men­tal­i­ty of con­tent scrap­ers. What piece of com­mon sense are they miss­ing? Even when peo­ple scrape in the name of “pro­mot­ing me” they don’t ask they just take and may or may not link to me. I don’t get it. But it falls under the inac­tion­able. My ener­gies are worth more than get­ting thru to peo­ple who don’t get the harm.

  10. I agree with beau­ti­fulis­ness ( nice name dude ) This is total­ly unac­cept­able behav­iour at the dawn­ing of : THE NEW WORLD ORDER !!

  11. @Julie — Yes, quite authen­tic that she greets peo­ple from Canada when she lives in the UK, and decid­ed that day to take a dri­ve to nowhere.

    Very real, indeed.

    @Pearl — I’ve had peo­ple scrape “with cred­it” as well, and I’ve always had to tell them to stop. They aren’t doing me any favours when the rest of the con­tent is ter­ri­ble, and there are ads every­where.

    @plat0 — I think you’re read­ing his com­ment the wrong way. He’s agree­ing with me that this is wrong.

  12. Haha…I love the entry from that guy/girl that had their back­ground changed to lemon­par­ty. *glares*? How about *gofuck­y­our­self*.

  13. I think you should leave a mes­sage on her wall, explain­ing that your blog has copy­right mate­r­i­al and that she should remove the mate­r­i­al she lift­ed imme­di­ate­ly. Refer her to the Copyright Act ( R.S., 1985, c. C‑42 ). Maybe that will get her to stop.

  14. @trolley — Sometimes it’s almost worth oth­er peo­ple hotlink­ing, just so I can pull a lemon par­ty on them.

    And yeah, it turns out almost all the entries in her jour­nal were tak­en from oth­er sources, word-for-word.

    @Sheila — I did con­tact her host, and hope­ful­ly they’ll do some­thing about it. I love hav­ing lawyer friends. :)

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