A Day in the Market

Tea store

Thumbnail: Russian Earl Grey tea
Thumbnail: Tea bags
Thumbnail: Carnations
Thumbnail: Dreamcatcher
Thumbnail: Carnations
Thumbnail: Necklace model
Thumbnail: Necklaces
Thumbnail: Rings
Thumbnail: Me in a toque
Thumbnail: Touching fabric


  1. That neck­lace shop shot makes me want to run scream­ing.… such a lot of medi­oc­rity in one fell swoop. And I bet so many peo­ple are cheered by it. I’m weird I sup­pose.
    The tea shop shot, how­ev­er, does­n’t make me feel like this.

  2. @Causalien — No, but I can total­ly see how one would think that.

    @Xibee — That’s exact­ly what I mean; an over­load of colour and kitsch­i­ness in one spot, laid out rather mess­i­ly.

  3. My eyes lit­er­al­ly widened in awe when I saw that colour­ful, beau­ti­ful tea shop! I wish I could sit in there with wear­ing plait­ed hair, sit­ting on the floor with colour­ing books and pas­tels, sip­ping fruity white tea out of a del­i­cate porce­lain cup.

  4. I had been too dis­tract­ed by all the colours and types of tea to notice that there are tables for sit­ting! I’ll have to hon­our your wish, and do this myself one day.

  5. Just hope­ful­ly with­out the braid­ed hair. ^_^

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