A Night with Russell Peters

Having front row tick­ets to see Russell Peters means that you’re a fair­ly big tar­get for being picked on.

Especially after Pat yells “WOO” amid an oth­er­wise silent the­atre when Russell starts to explain how Chinese peo­ple aren’t as cheap as Indian peo­ple. From that point, we were known as the “Wu” fam­i­ly, and he’d refer to us when talk­ing to the Chinese crowd.

No one is off-lim­its though, and his eth­nic jokes cov­er a spec­trum of races as wide as the earth. I sup­pose that’s how he pulls off his par­tic­u­lar brand of stereo­typ­ing com­e­dy. Ottawa is an espe­cial­ly fit­ting place, where minori­ties min­gle instead of seg­re­gate, and per­haps it’s exact­ly this rea­son that the crowd is so ebul­lient. It almost as if his set is writ­ten for us.

Afterwards, it was back to Pat and Jen’s for some con­ver­sa­tion over hot choco­late from their Tassimo. A scoop of mint-choco­late-chip ice cream dropped into said bev­er­age turns it into a yum­my can­dy-cane hot choco­late, some­thing I must explore fur­ther in the future.


  1. Cool you saw him. I saw him last time he was thru Ottawa.

    We wre front row, base of his mic. He seemed to weigh who could take it.

    He looked at the oth­er cou­ple at our table, about as oppo­site as could be styl­is­ti­cal­ly and seemed to be about to riff on how we’re not a friend group of 4 but read us and skipped.

    Politically incor­rect con­scious­ness rais­ing is good for this town I think.

  2. That’s interesting.…he did­n’t make as many Chinese jokes as the oth­er races. Makes me won­der if he weighed our abil­i­ty to “take it”.

    He real­ly went off on every­one though. Young, old, white, black, brown, yel­low. Even deaf and blind. It was an equal-oppor­tu­ni­ty rib­bing.

  3. Yes, he’s good at that. There was a guy there that night from some province in India and he could do the local accen­t’s dialect. He says peo­ple come up to him assum­ing he can speak Italian or var­i­ous lan­guages he can do the accents of. Good ear and good eye to read for what’ll fly.

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