Therapy in 140 Characters or Less

Twice in one day? What?

Five years ago, I wrote that hope was the mind­killer. It can be a euphor­ic feel­ing, but as the result of sev­er­al bad expe­ri­ences, the poten­tial for dis­ap­point­ment out­weighed the gain.

My way of deal­ing with dis­ap­point­ment was to assume the worst. It made me com­fort­able. There was cer­tain­ty, and I could move on.

So I had learned nev­er to hope. This is how I changed. This is how I adapt­ed. A defence mech­a­nism I used to pro­tect myself from being hurt. I had been fine with this, until today.

Perhaps it was hav­ing Julie tell me that I’m bet­ter than the atti­tude I have, or the life I lead1, but I’m filled with hope again. For once, I dare to dream of some­thing greater.

I want it and hate it at the same time. It gives me courage, but throws my world into uncer­tain­ty, like I’m set­ting myself up to be hurt again.

But Julie’s strong enough to believe in me and stub­born enough not to give up, because I’m not capa­ble of believ­ing in myself.

And maybe that’s enough to break the cycle.

  1. It made me real­ize I need some­one else to tell me cer­tain things, because I can’t see them for myself. I hate the fact that I can’t be strong enough for myself. I prob­a­bly should­n’t. It just means there’s some­thing else about which I’m being too hard on myself, which I’ll have to tell my psy­chol­o­gist about any­way. []


  1. You only seem to accept that from cer­tain peo­ple. I always get the feel­ing that you’ll get pissed off if com­ing from me.

  2. Do you find that the things you are artic­u­late in one mood you main­tain as sto­ry of self after the mood pass­es? Or let that sto­ry flu­id­ly pass? How things are, is it an iden­ti­ty or an exam­i­na­tion? an obser­va­tion or a impo­si­tion of nar­ra­tive? These ques­tions float thru me these days.

    There are com­pa­ra­ble to cling­ing to hope or allow­ing the float up and float down, watch­ing the far hori­zon lest one get sea­sick, but not going to dis­con­nect head–heart-body-space so much one for­gets one is on a boat, if you see what I mean…

  3. some hopes can be realised only by chance, oth­ers can be realised by a com­bi­na­tion of chance and efforts. So the ele­ment of chance always plays a big part. Me, I always pre­sume the worst, that’s prob­a­bly my defen­sive mech­a­nism too. But hope does give you the dri­ve, and it’s a good feel­ing.

  4. Jeff (and Causalien), I think it’s nor­mal for a per­son with this defense mech­a­nism to only trust his or her dear­est one with tim­o­rous hopes for change. But it does­n’t mean the oth­ers aren’t appre­ci­at­ed at all, or are unneed­ed in any way. They are often uncel­e­brat­ed, but cru­cial. We can be so des­per­ate under our sur­face that we cling to those calm sup­port­ive ones like rail­ings around a per­pet­u­al ice rink of slip­pery doubts. Because we hold on to them all the time, we may for­get to say any­thing. But we are very aware of what they are doing for us.

    Pearl, your gram­mar is bog­gling me. I’ve no idea what you mean. And I think I do want to know what you mean.

  5. @Causalien — I would­n’t get pissed off…quite the con­trary from you. But I only take advice seri­ous­ly from peo­ple I respect.

    @Pearl — I’m going to have to agree with Xibee on this one. Could you clar­i­fy the ques­tions you’re ask­ing?

    @Uncle Joe — I’ve been the same way, but I’ve decid­ed to change and not pre­sume the worst, because it can be prob­lem­at­ic to be a pes­simist. Doesn’t mean I’m try­ing to pre­sume the best, but per­haps a bal­ance. Being a real­ist instead.

    @Xibee — Well said…things like this are ingrained and per­son­al. It does­n’t just take some­one close, it takes some­one close who won’t give up on you.

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