New Hampshire: Part 2

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  1. inter­est­ing
    ever hear of Eckhart Tolle?
    I bet you’d like his book, “The Power of Now”
    helps you real­ly SEE those moment for what they are…those moments where you don’t know WHAT you’re’s not numb­ness
    It’s a quick read.
    The nice thing for us is;
    Eckhart Tolle lives in van­cou­ver :)

    look for­ward to more pho­tos

    no, i did­n’t get washed away by the pineap­ple express over the week­end (if you heard about our weath­er here)

  2. Never heard of Eckhart Tolle, but he sounds inter­est­ing. I like the fact that he’s not aligned with a par­tic­u­lar reli­gion or tra­di­tion.

    I know I’m feel­ing some­thing, I just haven’t fig­ured out what yet. Numbness is only a side-effect. I’m one of those peo­ple who has to put every­thing else aside until I can under­stand the core of what I’m miss­ing.

  3. I miss you!

  4. I miss you too…I think this is the longest we’ll have gone with­out talk­ing to each oth­er. Even longer than my vaca­tion with John last year.

  5. Others may wish for the ambi­tious air; you and I wish for the sol­id ground.

    But each, all those dif­fer­ent sol­id grounds.… could be very ambi­tious. We’d like to try them on like hats, per­haps. See if they fit.

  6. Completely true. It’s not the excite­ment of the new and unknown, but the dream of a dif­fer­ent life that draws us.

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