New Hampshire: Part 1

Thumbnail: New Hampshire Part 1


  1. Isn’t wifi won­der­ful.

    Being in nei­ther extreme can be a rest­ful place. More rest­ful than rest­less kids rac­ing around at least. :)

  2. At least the archi­tec­ture at CYOW is quite inter­est­ing. I was tak­ing it in for 2 hours when I picked up Aaron from Denver. Never got bored once look­ing at the ceil­ing.

  3. @Pearl — I’m not sure how I feel yet about being in-between. You’re prob­a­bly right in say­ing that it’s still more rest­ful than hav­ing kids.

    @Mark — Then my one mis­take was not look­ing up.

  4. It’s inter­est­ing to see the dif­fer­ence in reac­tion. Traveling to anoth­er city has always result­ed in excite­ment for me no mat­ter how down I felt at that moment. The best part of the trip, is stuck in between as the excite­ment and anx­i­ety of the new world build up. All the what ifs and what if nots. Amazing.

  5. I think that even if you’re down, trav­el­ing to anoth­er city would be very cathar­tic. Unfortunately, I’m too con­fused for that.

    For me, the best part of a trip is excite­ment. I can do with­out the anx­i­ety.

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