There's Never Enough Time

New lay­out. Back to my old grayscale style, because that’s how I’ve been feel­ing late­ly. Neutral. Took me about three days, most­ly from scratch. I was sat­is­fied with the old one, until two months ago, when I began read­ing sev­er­al design/typography/colour books at work. The pow­ers that be let me spend around $300 on edu­ca­tion­al mate­r­i­al, and as I explored each one with fer­vor and thirst, I began to notice all the fun­da­men­tal design mis­takes I made. Ignorance is bliss.

It’s Friday night, and with my legs curled under me, Dolly sniffs at my feet, look­ing for an oppor­tune space on my lap. Fall is approach­ing. The win­dow in my room remains open as soon as the sun sets. I’ve been over­whelm­ing­ly busy, and as a result, I haven’t quite caught up on any sleep in the last two weeks.

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