Jeff, I think you should stop blogging.
I think its bad for you.
That was me btw, knocking on your screen.
You can talk to me anytime if you need to. Ask Pat how to reach me.
Hi, Dina
His what? His girlfriend. I’m presuming that you were drunk when you left that msg because you failed to leave your name and read the blog wrong. Common mistake when under the influence. Your second comment, well, I was even more confused, which made me think that you are either a complete psycho or actually have some kind of substance abuse problem.
I’ll try and keep this as simply as possible because I know that you have issues reading words and I wouldn’t want you to get confused by what I’m trying to say. Firstly, where in the world did you get the idea that Jeff needs to stop blogging because it’s bad for him? I don’t see him leaving posts about how he wants to slit his wrists. The only thing I can come up with his that you actually have created some imaginary scenario where Jeff is actually depressed and you are the only one who can save him. Dina that is called confabulation, where the patient has thought about the imagined even so many times that they believe it is actually real.
Second, why do you think he needs to get help from you? You, who clearly has some kind mental disability or substance abuse problem. Dina, there are help groups for people like you. Oh, maybe that’s too complicated for you to read, I always forget that you could be under the influence right now. AREYOUADDICTEDTOANYKINDOFPILLSORLIQUIDSUBSTANCES? If the answer to that is no, then I have another question. DOYOUHEARVOICESINYOURHEADTELLINGYOUTOWRITEFUCKEDUPCOMMENTSTHATMAKEABSOLUTLYNOSENSE?
If Jeff needs someone to talk to he has me and many other people who are NOT complete psycho’s to go to. If he had ever wanted to talk to you in the first place I’m sure he would have taken the initiative and emailed you, or gone to Pat. How pathetic is it for you to continually reach out to someone who just smacks you back in the face. Seriously Dina, get the point! You are making yourself out to be some pitiable schoolgirl whose crush wont look at her. Stop trying to grab attention from someone who clearly wants nothing to do with you. I feel sorry for you. Just let go and move on, find some friends who actually enjoy your childish antics.
I wouldn’t be expecting a call after those comments…
this is NOT a normal way to solve problems!!!!!!
He is always trying to solve them HERE
AWAY from his friends YOU!!!
I am so mad right now I could die… I think I’m gonna have a heart attack.
He is addicted to blogging.… wake up people!!!
To be honest, I think that you’re the only one with a problem here Dina.
We are his friends, so I think we would know better than you.
If it bothers you so much, don’t come here.
If you were Jeff’s friend you would realize that he does go to the ones he loves for help and support. Sometimes, it’s easier for people to write down how they feel before they can have a conversation about it. It’s easier to write down your thoughts and get them together before you can have an intelligent conversation about how you feel. To be obsessed about something means that your whole life is centered on that particular thing, and is something that you can’t live without. I believe if Jeff needed to he would be able to live without his blog. I don’t’ think it would do him any good because it is a corner where he has the ability to express himself, in a negative or a positive way. It’s not a place where he writes down his thoughts and nothing is said, I’ll comment on them when we are talking on the phone and we will have discussions about it. How is that unhealthy? You have no clue what your talking about and I would hope that you would stop pretending. Since when is it unhealthy to express how you feel? Since when is it unhealthy to find help from people on issues your friend would be prejudice about because they are your friends. Stop trying to save lives and start saving your own.
too many secrets
not enough space
i lose my place
and begin to re-erase
loving so bold
fire in my soul
sweet dreams luliby
i release my sorrow
and go
these are my dreams
this is my voice
these are my chances
this is my choice
*knocks on computer screen*
your what? because that’s important
Jeff, I think you should stop blogging.
I think its bad for you.
That was me btw, knocking on your screen.
You can talk to me anytime if you need to. Ask Pat how to reach me.
Hi, Dina
His what? His girlfriend. I’m presuming that you were drunk when you left that msg because you failed to leave your name and read the blog wrong. Common mistake when under the influence. Your second comment, well, I was even more confused, which made me think that you are either a complete psycho or actually have some kind of substance abuse problem.
I’ll try and keep this as simply as possible because I know that you have issues reading words and I wouldn’t want you to get confused by what I’m trying to say. Firstly, where in the world did you get the idea that Jeff needs to stop blogging because it’s bad for him? I don’t see him leaving posts about how he wants to slit his wrists. The only thing I can come up with his that you actually have created some imaginary scenario where Jeff is actually depressed and you are the only one who can save him. Dina that is called confabulation, where the patient has thought about the imagined even so many times that they believe it is actually real.
Second, why do you think he needs to get help from you? You, who clearly has some kind mental disability or substance abuse problem. Dina, there are help groups for people like you. Oh, maybe that’s too complicated for you to read, I always forget that you could be under the influence right now. ARE YOU ADDICTED TO ANY KIND OF PILLS OR LIQUID SUBSTANCES? If the answer to that is no, then I have another question. DO YOU HEAR VOICES IN YOUR HEAD TELLING YOU TO WRITE FUCKED UP COMMENTS THAT MAKE ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE?
If Jeff needs someone to talk to he has me and many other people who are NOT complete psycho’s to go to. If he had ever wanted to talk to you in the first place I’m sure he would have taken the initiative and emailed you, or gone to Pat. How pathetic is it for you to continually reach out to someone who just smacks you back in the face. Seriously Dina, get the point! You are making yourself out to be some pitiable schoolgirl whose crush wont look at her. Stop trying to grab attention from someone who clearly wants nothing to do with you. I feel sorry for you. Just let go and move on, find some friends who actually enjoy your childish antics.
I wouldn’t be expecting a call after those comments…
you don’t get it.
he’s screwed up because of blogging!!!!!!!!
this is NOT a normal way to solve problems!!!!!!
He is always trying to solve them HERE
AWAY from his friends YOU!!!
I am so mad right now I could die… I think I’m gonna have a heart attack.
He is addicted to blogging.… wake up people!!!
To be honest, I think that you’re the only one with a problem here Dina.
We are his friends, so I think we would know better than you.
If it bothers you so much, don’t come here.
If you were Jeff’s friend you would realize that he does go to the ones he loves for help and support. Sometimes, it’s easier for people to write down how they feel before they can have a conversation about it. It’s easier to write down your thoughts and get them together before you can have an intelligent conversation about how you feel. To be obsessed about something means that your whole life is centered on that particular thing, and is something that you can’t live without. I believe if Jeff needed to he would be able to live without his blog. I don’t’ think it would do him any good because it is a corner where he has the ability to express himself, in a negative or a positive way. It’s not a place where he writes down his thoughts and nothing is said, I’ll comment on them when we are talking on the phone and we will have discussions about it. How is that unhealthy? You have no clue what your talking about and I would hope that you would stop pretending. Since when is it unhealthy to express how you feel? Since when is it unhealthy to find help from people on issues your friend would be prejudice about because they are your friends. Stop trying to save lives and start saving your own.
LISTEN UP IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too many secrets
not enough space
i lose my place
and begin to re-erase
loving so bold
fire in my soul
sweet dreams luliby
i release my sorrow
and go
these are my dreams
this is my voice
these are my chances
this is my choice
you should become a POET!
that one is FOR YOU