Monthly Archives: December 2005

Television Dreams

Short and sweet.

I’ve been falling sleep with the TV on late­ly. Discovery chan­nel, trashy tabloids, com­mer­cials every quar­ter hour. The con­stant chat­ter keeps me com­pa­ny the way old movies on DVD can’t. It’s like the world nev­er sleeps. Someone else is awake, and watch­ing the same thing as me.

It’s one of the things I like so much about you. If you hide that, you’re hid­ing the best part.

The lit­tle girl was tak­en to Humber River Regional Hospital, and lat­er trans­ferred to the Hospital for Sick Children, where she was diag­nosed with what police call “a sig­nif­i­cant brain injury”.

The J is like an H Ricky, Hal-a-peen-yo

This is live.

Sometimes I wake up with a song in my head that I may not own, or even par­tic­u­lar­ly like. Sometimes I wake up know­ing some news before I read it on my lunchtime break. Sometimes my dreams will take off in a strange direc­tion, and I’ll be cook­ing some­thing com­pli­cat­ed or unload­ing auto­mat­ics through house win­dows or fuck­ing some­one I’d nev­er have a chance with in real-life.