I Bought A New Computer

The last part came in from back order today and they’re run­ning the burn overnight, so it’ll be ready for me to pick up before the week­end.

It’s the most expen­sive sys­tem that I’ve ever bought, but also the most guilt-free. At home, I spend the major­i­ty of my time at the com­put­er — I use it to write, manip­u­late pho­tos, ren­der video, play games, com­mu­ni­cate with friends, watch movies, lis­ten to music. I could sur­vive on my cur­rent sys­tem, but I could also take advan­tage of an even bet­ter set­up.

Some of the parts may be a lit­tle exces­sive, but why not go all out? I only know a few peo­ple, such as Trolley, who could appre­ci­ate a top-of-the-line sys­tem in the same way. Ever since Intel announced their line­up of dual-core proces­sors in the first quar­ter, I’ve been sav­ing my mon­ey, keep­ing track of the parts I’ve want­ed. By the time AMD announced their own dual-core archi­tec­ture, I had a com­plete list of com­po­nents for my dream sys­tem. Most stores could­n’t even get their hands on the chips, so for two months I would peri­od­i­cal­ly check for avail­abil­i­ty. Eventually, I end­ed up going through a cor­po­rate con­tact, who has his own direct con­tact to AMD. To boot, he gave me a dis­count (rang­ing on 15%, which is insane, con­sid­er­ing the tiny mar­gin on com­put­er sys­tems) since I’m a busi­ness client as well.

The kick­er is that my work just hap­pens to need a com­put­er capa­ble of han­dling some heavy graph­ics edit­ing. The com­put­er most ade­quate to han­dle this usage is mine, since it’s also the fastest in the office, so I get to give up my already ade­quate sys­tem for a bet­ter one. I got approval to order the same sys­tem that I bought myself per­son­al­ly. The same sys­tem that I’ve been dream­ing of, plan­ning for, and drool­ing over since February.


  1. I’m going to be mak­ing sweet love to that box while you’re away you know…

  2. It’ll be slop­py sec­onds for you!

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