The days can go on with regularity over and over, one day indistinguishable from the next.
—Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver
Every day I think that I’ll catch up on sleep at night, but I never seem to get the chance. I have time here and there to write, but things don’t come out properly when I’m tired. Even on the weekends, when I expect to be able to sleep in, I’m always off somewhere, doing something. It’s such a change from how I was living last year; no school, no job, no girlfriend, with all my friends still attending university. I lost all sense of time.
I’m busier than ever at work, and it’s a great feeling to know that I’m responsible for so much…for meeting deadlines, for completing projects, for coming up with solutions to peoples’ problems. It’s a lot of stress, but it’s a great challenge. Being forced to work with a lack of sleep has made me more accustomed to thinking while fatigued, something that I never thought was possible. I used to need a proper eight hours a day to think, otherwise I could only operate at a basic level. Only one day in the last month have I felt rested. The fact that I’m still going and getting things done is a big deal to me. And now it feels like I’m finally working towards something, in my relationships, in my career, even in my equity and assets.
I remember Pat telling me to enjoy my unemployment, and I did exactly that. I appreciated every minute of it, and now I appreciate every moment that I have something to do. I appreciated the freedom of being single, and now I appreciate the comfort of being with someone.
Welcome the the working life. Ain’t it a bitch.
No, actually, it’s fucking amazing. I enjoy what I do, I like my co-workers, and I love to see the numbers in my bank account go up every other week. I feel like I’m being used to the full potential of my intelligence and creativity, and I’m actually getting PAID for this. I can afford a lot more shit than I could when I was unemployed, like alcohol, computer games, furniture, geek toys, clothes, even a nice place to live. I set self-improvement as a lifestyle for myself a while ago, but never had the means to pull it off. A stable job has given me the financial freedom to do what I want, to explore things that I couldn’t before.
The fact that the working life is a bitch to most people makes me enjoy mine a hell of a lot more.
I haven’t gotten much sleep in the last month because my life outside of work has been busy. And although I’ll probably need a break at some point, it’s been fucking worth it.