Hoegaarden (Who-Gar-Den)

Thumbnail: Hoegaarden

En célébra­tion of his new job, Trolley and I head­ed over to the near­est Oak to grab a pint. I had the chance to try some Hoegaarden White, and it’s one of the most inter­est­ing beers I’ve ever tast­ed. It has a unique hazy yel­low colour (which is rather obvi­ous in the pic­ture), due to the fact that it’s unfil­tered. There are lay­ers and lay­ers of cit­rus and spice, which come from corian­der and dried Curacao orange peels, that make the fin­ish more sharp than crisp. Not a beer I would gen­er­al­ly drink, but def­i­nite­ly an unique taste that any­one should try at least once. alco­hol

One comment

  1. That pho­to­graph is a great adver­tise­ment for a great beer :D

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