Summer Days Are Finally Here

A week­end of relax­ation and intox­i­ca­tion.

The first time that I’ve known Pat to be Jen-less, he calls me up, wants to hang out. Fucking cool. We go for the break­fast spe­cial at a Greek Souvlaki house, he takes the sausage, I take the bacon. After, we head to the table ten­nis club (some­thing I hoped he’d do for a while now) for a few match­es. He beats me 5–1, and I find out that he’s run­ning on three hours of sleep. He goes home to run some errands, I go home to sleep. He comes back here to meet up with me and Trolley, after cook­ing some burg­ers on his grill and putting togeth­er fix­ings, corn-on-the-cob, and pas­ta sal­ad. We eat, watch some Harvey Birdman, play games for eight hours. Part and crash.

Today, wake up with my cat stretched out on my pil­low. Trolley and I head to the table ten­nis club, play for an hour, head down­town to buy a few albums. The weath­er being so nice, we go to the Highlander with their dis­tract­ing uni­forms, and sit down for a pint on the patio. Clink. Come back, and I get to orga­nize while lis­ten­ing to my new Modest Mouse album.

Don’t want to lose this feel­ing.

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