A Weekend House-Sitting

Thumbnail: The house
Thumbnail: Spike shakes on my lap
Home theatre

Spent the week­end house sit­ting for my boss (on a trip to watch his daugh­ter per­form in New York) with Trolley, Nick, and two Eric’s. We spent most of the week­end hang­ing out, play­ing some Gamecube, watch­ing movies on the 100″ pro­jec­tion screen, and mak­ing runs to Timmy Ho’s.

My boss and his fam­i­ly has three dogs, two cats, a few tur­tles, and some guinea pigs. One of the dogs, named Spike, is a tiny ter­ri­er but is like a lit­tle light­ning bolt. He’s still a pup, but won’t be get­ting any big­ger than he already is.

The two cats, Boots and Puffy, are well behaved and friend­ly.

I got the chance to hang out with Eric, the one who’s not Trolley’s broth­er. He can appre­ci­ate a glass of Appleton Estate as much as a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, as much as a well designed com­put­er game. And I mean real­ly appre­ci­ate, as a per­son who almost com­plete­ly under­stands what he likes, instead of the super­fi­cial tastes that so many have nowa­days. I can light up with him, talk to him on an unbe­liev­able num­ber of lev­els, play games with him, or just hang out. He rarely speaks, but when he does his speech has weight, it has mean­ing with so much insight. I hope to hang out with him some more if he does­n’t go back home to Toronto. There should be more Eric’s in the world.


  1. Hey jeff…
    u dont know me, im the chick from Toronto that Trolley talks to online but man… I must applaud you for that “spike” movie… makes Trolley look.… well… inter­est­ing ;) as for your cat, dun­no if he men­tioned mine, but she’s 18 pounds so i would­n’t wor­ry too much about Dolly being only 25% over­weight.
    As for Monday’s blog… hehe I’m thinkin the same thing, check out my blog for mon­day at like 1 am.…
    hehe gor­geous site btw ;)

  2. By “inter­est­ing”, do you mean hot, or hot? Or maybe it’s hot.

  3. seems to me that YOU think Trolley looks hot in that video… should I make assump­tions based on that? ;)

    No… he just looks… well I guess inter­est­ing is the only word to use because weird is too mean lol — and yeah, Trolley is hot, who does­nt agree with that… obvi­ous­ly you do ;)

  4. I think Erik is spelled with a ‘k’, where­as my broth­er is with a ‘c’.

    And I don’t know whether to be flat­tered or dis­turbed… ;)

  5. y arnt they playin

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