I’ve been brave enough to listen to The Postal Service lately, although my enjoyment is restricted to headphones on the bus. It’s still something that’s a little too personal to be listening through speakers, and for some reason, I’m not comfortable with others hearing the same songs that I do. It’s as if being able to hear the same trippy beats and soft voices gives other people the ability to experience the memories that the music brings to my mind; curves in a gentle face, car rides through the thick summer air, nervous fumblings on the couch, the scent of unfamiliar sheets.
They’re all good memories, nothing painful anymore, but it’s all something I’d like to keep to myself for just a little longer.
if you’re really into the postal service, check out http://www.kcrw.com/smil/mb030506The_Postal_Service.ram .
i can’t wait for them to release another album.
I’ll check it out as soon as I find someone with Realplayer installed. I can’t stand to have it installed on my system.