Post Graduate Business

I’m insane­ly busy. I have two exams next week, both of which I haven’t start­ed study­ing for yet. Actually I haven’t even been to class in about a month. Once I found out that my cred­its would expire in a few years, I lost all desire to do well, since I don’t plan on going back to school in a few years. I’m also mov­ing next week­end, and have only packed three box­es so far. Things just keep pop­ping up. Table ten­nis ses­sions, pot lucks, bar­be­cues, unex­pect­ed phone calls, blah blah blah. For once, I wish that I had a week­end to myself, where I could relax and read.


  1. hey i know that feel­ing.
    thing is, i have week­ends to myself but i need to work by myself and moti­va­tion is a sketchy thing.
    i hate being busy. i have so much more impor­tant things to do, like love my bf.
    good luck.

  2. Hey, if you have all this stuff to get, AND you’re in a rela­tion­ship, then you need more luck than I do.

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