Bananas Vs. Bran

It’s good to get into a sched­ule again, even though I’m not quite used to wak­ing up at 7:00 am yet. I haven’t been on sched­ule for more than a year. I had such a light load for my two semes­ters of uni­ver­si­ty that I could basi­cal­ly wake up when­ev­er I want­ed to every day. And then there was the sum­mer, when I took four months off to relax and could stay up till 7:00 am talk­ing on the phone (good…good times). Next was four months of look­ing for a job and not find­ing one, which end­ed up being a good thing or I would­n’t have been able to spend a month in Hong Kong.

Not hav­ing a sched­ule is like hav­ing only one course a term. There’s not much motive to get work done, and every­thing is put off to the last sec­ond. Being on a sched­ule makes me more pro­duc­tive. I actu­al­ly don’t mind doing chores and errands, eat­ing reg­u­lar meals, even doing the dish­es. The order and reg­u­lar­i­ty is a nice change from the amor­phous life I’ve been liv­ing for the last lit­tle while.

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