
It’s so hard to wit­ness some­one being made fun of, sim­ply because they’re mis­un­der­stood. I get flus­tered and bite my lip, because try­ing to defend them nev­er does a thing. I also get either angry or sad, depend­ing on whether or not I know the per­son who’s doing the mock­ing. In my expe­ri­ence, some­one who’s so quick to come to a con­clu­sion will refuse to see things anoth­er way. They have enough pre­con­ceived notions to keep them­selves igno­rant and secure.

Perhaps I’m like this because I can relate to what it’s like to be mis­un­der­stood. As an exper­i­ment in one of my English class­es, I wrote an extreme­ly graph­ic sto­ry about a necrophil­i­ac doc­tor who ends up get­ting raped up the ass, and pre­sent­ed it. I want­ed to show that the inten­tions of an artist are irrel­e­vant if he or she is mis­un­der­stood, because oth­ers will con­tin­ue to care­less­ly judge them. The more odd­ly my class­mates stared at me while I was pre­sent­ing, with­out try­ing to grasp what I was try­ing to do, the more I felt like my point was proved.

The thing is, some­one is usu­al­ly mis­un­der­stood because they don’t explain them­selves well. A per­son can be extreme­ly provoca­tive, con­tro­ver­sial, or com­plex, but as long as oth­ers see what they’re try­ing to get across then every­thing is fine. Of course, it’s much eas­i­er said than done, and some­one is most often mis­un­der­stood because their ideas are hard­er to grasp. In addi­tion to this, I find that the eccen­tric­i­ty relat­ed to a per­son with such ideas clouds their per­cep­tions as to what they believe oth­ers are capa­ble of com­pre­hend­ing.

Sometimes, I wish the world could see what I see.

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