I sent in an application to the economics programme at Carleton before I left for Hong Kong last year, and got an offer of admission when I got back. I accepted the offer on Monday, registered for two courses, and started going back to university for a second degree. One of my courses is on TV, so I’m getting Trolley to tape it for me as an excuse to head over there and try some of my duty free Villager Premium No. 7s with him. My other course is a concentrated introduction to economics, so it’s two three hour classes each week, making it the exact equivalent of two courses itself. I’ll try to get an introduction to accounting course next week as a fourth course, when the academic advisor is free and not being a bitch.
I’m going to switch my major to business in the summer and specialize in marketing. Since I have a degree in computer science, I’m considered a third year student already, since a lot of my credits transferred over. If everything works out (prerequisites, degree restrictions, course availability) I could have a second degree at the end of the year.
My first class was yesterday with quite a few first year students, some of them six years my junior I’m willing to bet. Six years. More than half the class was Asian.