A Change Of Programme

I sent in an appli­ca­tion to the eco­nom­ics pro­gramme at Carleton before I left for Hong Kong last year, and got an offer of admis­sion when I got back. I accept­ed the offer on Monday, reg­is­tered for two cours­es, and start­ed going back to uni­ver­si­ty for a sec­ond degree. One of my cours­es is on TV, so I’m get­ting Trolley to tape it for me as an excuse to head over there and try some of my duty free Villager Premium No. 7s with him. My oth­er course is a con­cen­trat­ed intro­duc­tion to eco­nom­ics, so it’s two three hour class­es each week, mak­ing it the exact equiv­a­lent of two cours­es itself. I’ll try to get an intro­duc­tion to account­ing course next week as a fourth course, when the aca­d­e­m­ic advi­sor is free and not being a bitch.

I’m going to switch my major to busi­ness in the sum­mer and spe­cial­ize in mar­ket­ing. Since I have a degree in com­put­er sci­ence, I’m con­sid­ered a third year stu­dent already, since a lot of my cred­its trans­ferred over. If every­thing works out (pre­req­ui­sites, degree restric­tions, course avail­abil­i­ty) I could have a sec­ond degree at the end of the year.

My first class was yes­ter­day with quite a few first year stu­dents, some of them six years my junior I’m will­ing to bet. Six years. More than half the class was Asian.

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