An Unknown Cousin's Wedding

I’ve been invit­ed to the wed­ding of a cousin I nev­er knew exist­ed until last week. Actually, there are three cousins I did­n’t know about, because she has two sis­ters too. I did­n’t even know that I had a fourth aunt until I sud­den­ly came face to face with her as I walked into my grand­moth­ers apart­ment at one point, and thought that she bared a close resem­blance to my father. I don’t remem­ber ever meet­ing her, although she claims to have held me as a baby, so I prob­a­bly haven’t seen her in 20 odd years. My par­ents have nev­er men­tioned her, and have nev­er brought me to meet her fam­i­ly before. Nevertheless, the wed­ding will be in a church at first, as a sort of west­ern style, then held in a ban­quet hall in Chinese fash­ion. I don’t believe that I’ve ever attend­ed a Chinese tra­di­tion­al wed­ding (that I can remem­ber at least), so I’m look­ing for­ward to it.

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