"Cause It Isn't Fair"

There are times when a com­mit­ment is made on good terms and the bond of such a com­mit­ment can be eas­i­ly hon­oured. However, there are cas­es when these terms become sub­ject to strains that may threat­en the rela­tion­ship on which the com­mit­ment is based. When these strains over­whelm, the bond is bro­ken.

The com­mit­ment, entan­gled with the rela­tion­ship, should be bro­ken as well.

However, this bond some­times does not end. In such cas­es, the com­mit­ment can­not be said to be hon­oured; rather, it exists out of pity. Such a motive is rarely some­thing to be desired. It is best to end such an engage­ment instead of false­ly keep­ing it alive, for com­mit­ments, much like rela­tion­ships, are par­tial­ly based on the self-inter­ests of those involved. When they are not, one per­son assumes the role of a liar.

And the oth­er is being lied to.

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