Metallic Sobriety

After a more than one year hia­tus, and gen­er­ous rib­bing by Jonathan, I’ve made a new 1280x1024 desk­top back­ground in jpg for­mat. I want­ed some­thing very clean and sim­ple, and spent almost four hours toy­ing around in Photoshop yes­ter­day, start­ing from scratch. I was lucky enough to man­age the rib­bon effect, which hap­pened com­plete­ly by chance with the right oscil­la­tion, the right can­vas size, and the right gra­di­ent effect. I used my orig­i­nal gen­er­a­tion, because I haven’t been able to pro­duce quite the same results, and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to again.

My ado­ra­tion of the Dali font is pret­ty obvi­ous in most of the graph­ic design I do, and in this case I use it to bal­ance out the dual cir­cle graph­ic on the screen. Both pic­tures in the dual cir­cle graph­ic were old stock pho­tos I had tak­en a few years ago. I had for­got­ten about the start menu when try­ing to cen­tre the entire area, so every­thing is shift­ed up about 15 pix­els.

I’ll prob­a­bly make ver­sions for oth­er res­o­lu­tions. A prob­lem I often have with back­ground design is that I’m usu­al­ly too much of a web design­er, and end up with very com­plex, clut­tered back­grounds that some­times look like page lay­outs. I enjoy the fil­ter effect, and how every­thing is almost white washed. The entire piece is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the most neu­tral of my emo­tions late­ly, a kind of supine view of the world that makes every­thing lev­el out. I think this one is my best back­grounds to date, and I’m rather proud of it.

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