I'll Take The Win

I final­ly beat Pat at table ten­nis, although he was run­ning on fif­teen hours of sleep over the last three days due to four midterms. I real­ized that I was let­ting him play offen­sive­ly when I was adapt­ing to his game, instead of play­ing more aggres­sive than him, forc­ing him to be defen­sive which is his weak point. It’s tricky play­ing him because he uses a strong and pow­er­ful fore­hand grip that lim­its his back­hand capa­bil­i­ties, but plays most­ly off his back­hand. I end up hav­ing to adapt to his unique shots every time I face him. I can feel myself improv­ing, espe­cial­ly the con­sis­ten­cy and spin of my serves, which is always a good thing.

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