Best LAN Ever

I feel most­ly recov­ered today after the gam­ing marathon Nick and I host­ed over the weekend.It start­ed Friday after­noon and end­ed on Monday morn­ing, with a few sleep breaks and food/Family Guy/Mr. Show breaks in between. Trolley and Wheaties lugged their com­put­ers over, includ­ing a spare mon­i­tor for Aaron. Jacques brought his entire set­up by cab, that’s how hard­core he is.

We were able to play same Quake 3 and Serious Sam 2, but the bulk of our time was spent on try­ing to com­plete Diablo 2 with new char­ac­ters. We man­aged to get to the end of Act III, but the week­end ran out. At one point, we found our­selves sur­round­ed at a vital way­point, and start­ed doing drag­ging runs to fight small­er groups of mon­sters.

All in all, the best LAN ever.

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