Nocturnal Living, Self-Grooming Arches, Tricky Brains

Living as a noc­tur­nal being over the last week has caused me to sleep improp­er­ly. I wake up every three hours, drowsy and feel­ing exhaust­ed, unable to fall back asleep again. This is the first time in my life that I haven’t real­ly cared about my sys­tem too much. I only eat two meals a day now and go to bed between four and eight in the morn­ing. It’s all worth it.

I’m think­ing of buy­ing Dolly a self-groom­ing arch because she seems to enjoy rub­bing her cheeks against my stiff-nee­dled brush. With the arch I won’t have to hold the brush against a sol­id sur­face for her, and she’ll be able to groom her whiskers when­ev­er she wants. I set up a lit­tle perch for her at the sun room win­dow so that she can look out­side and smell the air. I made a lit­tle stair­case for her using some milk crates and wick­er bas­kets, but she has­n’t fig­ured out how to use them to get to the high­est point yet.

I watched Tricky Brains again yes­ter­day. The only oth­er time that I’ve seen it in my life was when I was too young to remem­ber much about it. I do remem­ber that I real­ly enjoyed it though, and that it was one of the more emo­tion­al Steven Chow films. This is Chow at his best and the gags nev­er stop com­ing.

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