Double-Sided Toast

When I was young, I dis­cov­ered that toast can be enjoyed with­out spread. I would pull the crust off, then split the toast in two (width­wise), so that both toast­ed sides became sep­a­rat­ed. Each side would then be eat­en slow­ly, care­ful­ly, so that as much toast­ed sur­face would come in con­tact with my tongue as pos­si­ble. The best part was feel­ing the rough sur­face graze my taste­buds while the soft cen­tre became latched to the roof of my mouth.

I had always believed that such an eat­ing method was unique, and nev­er thought that any­one else would know of this. However, Allison told me that this is her pre­ferred method of eat­ing toast, and now I under­stand the method as being more eso­teric than unique. I won­der who else knows about such a thing, and how they came about that knowl­edge.


  1. mmmm, i know that feel­ing exact­ly! i love toast though i’m not much of a fan of bland food. but eat­ing food pure­ly for tex­ture can­not be judged on its taste, so bring on the mashed pota­toes, bread, and tapi­o­ca pud­ding!
    the best way to eat food is to savour it. that way you actu­al­ly enjoy what you’re eat­ing, rather than shov­ing it all down your throat. it’s also been proven to help you digest it bet­ter and all that jazz.
    dammit, now i’m hun­gry. :P

  2. I think my favourite food based on tex­ture would have to be shrimp chips, which are thin translu­cent wafers made from shrimp flavoured flour paste. If they’re deep-fried, they expand to sev­er­al times their orig­i­nal size and become cov­ered with tiny air bub­bles. When one puts a chip on the tongue, the sali­va melts one side of the air bub­bles and cre­ates a vac­u­um between the tongue and the sur­face. It’s quite an odd feel­ing to have one’s tongue sucked into a chip.

  3. nice pics on the side of the blog. Your kit­ty is so cute. :o)

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