Don't Look

The idea that social pea­cock­ing occurs sea­son­al­ly has recent­ly been brought up. My friend and I both agreed that win­ter is the time for males to wear their nicer, thick­er clothes in order to empha­size their shoul­ders or face or even class. Summer, on the oth­er hand, is the time females show skin and curves. Thus, appeal becomes a sea­son­al­ly based idea. Both sex­es, fol­low­ing evo­lu­tion­ary instincts, are attract­ed to fig­ures and faces.

Another thing to con­sid­er is the fact that girls are com­mon­ly born with the appeal­ing curvy shape, where­as guys are born with­out strong mus­cu­lar def­i­n­i­tion. This caus­es the empha­sis of the male appeal to lie strong­ly on the face, and reveal­ing clothes become less impor­tant.

On cruis­ing the sum­mer streets, my friend told me that he hoped girls have as hard a time keep­ing their eyes straight dur­ing the win­ter as guys do in the sum­mer, assum­ing that the above is true. I real­ized that what I find appeal­ing is more com­mon in the win­ter, which is quite the oppo­site of the believed norm. I’m more of a face per­son than any­thing, and a nice turtle­neck, suit, or drag­ging skirt makes me notice some­one of the oppo­site sex more than tank tops or tight jeans.

I’m rarely one who is caught check­ing some­one out since I don’t real­ly care enough to become fix­at­ed on boo­bies. Darren tells me that he com­mon­ly notices oth­er guys star­ing at the racy lit­tle blond walk­ing by, but just as before, it’s not some­thing that I notice. We both agreed that the worst case is catch­ing old men tilt­ing their heads for an ass-check. How ter­ri­ble would it be to find out that one’s grand­fa­ther is an ass man?

It makes me won­der whether girls also leer at guys in the same dis­gust­ing fash­ion or maybe they are much more sub­tle. Perhaps some girls do have a hard time in the win­ter.

I’m sure that guys would like to know.


  1. Actually, what’s worse than the ass-head-tilt action is the old men star­ing at your breasts. I have caught one old man doing this (while I was at *work*, no less), and quite frankly, it was gross and unsub­tle — if I can catch you doing it, you’re not sub­tle.

  2. I guess that’s anoth­er advan­tage of being a guy. I’ve nev­er seen a girl star­ing down some­one’s crotch.

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