Post LAN

I feel so damn tired. My fin­gers aren’t work­ing cor­rect­ly. They feel like they’re stick­ing togeth­er. The LAN par­ty end­ed soon­er than expect­ed, since every­one was feel­ing so damn tired. Aaron had to leave ear­ly because his ride left ear­ly (around 3:00 in the morn­ing) so he got in a few good hours of sol­id gam­ing. I end­ed up leav­ing around 8:00 am, and I was able to stay awake until 11:00 am. I slept for about six hours until I awoke from a phone call. I’m hop­ing to stay up for as long as pos­si­ble, then crash out of my bed so that my sys­tem won’t be too fucked.

I’m ques­tion­ing whether the entire par­ty was worth it, since I think that the two days spent at the LAN and recov­er­ing may make the dif­fer­ence in pass­ing and fail­ing my last two finals. The whole thing end­ed rather unsat­is­fac­to­ri­ly, due to the untime­ly depar­ture of four peo­ple, so the momen­tum of the ener­gy died down. No regrets.

I found out that the cab­in that Aaron and I were going to rent with some of the guys in January is under new man­age­ment. They have a new pol­i­cy that does­n’t allow rent­ing to peo­ple under 25. We found anoth­er cab­in that will be more expen­sive, but it has an indoor pool, jacuzzi, and full kitchen. It’ll end up cost­ing about $170 alone, but it’s prob­a­bly worth it, since I’m expect­ed to be too sore to do any­thing after one day of board­ing.

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