Test Update, A Nietzsche Quote, And Racial Profiling

Why do I feel the need to write again so soon? Why can’t I just live one more day with­out hav­ing to tell my thoughts to some­thing, any­thing that will accept with­out judg­ment? Sometimes I wish that I could­n’t write for months.

I think I passed my DNA Computing and Quantum Computing test today. It turns out that I was miss­ing about 1/4 of the notes, so I real­ly had to do some last minute study­ing. The prof made it fair­ly easy though, which I was glad to see.

I stum­bled across some Taoist teach­ings today, and I was intrigued by what I read. I think it’s some­thing that I’ll have to research more, along with my Buddhist beliefs and Confucianism.

Women are quite able to make friends with a man; but to pre­serve such a friend­ship — that no doubt requires the assis­tance of a slight phys­i­cal antipa­thy.


When I first read this, I was­n’t too sure about the valid­i­ty of it, or per­haps even the valid­i­ty per­tain­ing to myself. In the last month, how­ev­er, it seems to be so true that any con­sid­er­a­tion of the pos­si­bil­i­ty to the con­trary would be ridicu­lous.

Today, some­one told me that ever since she first met me, she thought I was Korean. It was pret­ty sur­priz­ing, since this girl was Chinese her­self. It’s the first time I’d ever been mis­tak­en for Korean, although peo­ple often con­fuse my last name as being Vietnamese. Do we real­ly all look the same? Well, since even I failed the test, I sup­pose it’s true.

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