Monthly Archives: November 2024

tonight we escape

I was touched and hon­oured to be includ­ed in Aaron’s elope­ment, some­thing kept secret from all but the clos­est peo­ple until it was over. The small gath­er­ing most­ly involved fam­i­ly of choice, which is hard­ly sur­pris­ing since I’ve always got­ten along with those mend­ing bro­ken hearts from bro­ken homes. The fact that every­one knew my name (while I was con­stant­ly scram­bling to check my notes) made me real­ize I’m an impor­tant part of Aaron’s life even when I’m not phys­i­cal­ly present.

After the briefest civ­il cer­e­mo­ny I’ve ever expe­ri­enced, the rest of the guests arrived at the pub for din­ner and drinks, dressed in match­ing blue hues, tints, and tones. We had a lit­tle speakeasy to our­selves with our own ten­der behind the bar, hid­den behind an assum­ing book­shelf, where we could order more vit­tles as we saw fit. It was the per­fect venue for a casu­al wed­ding and a night of unpre­ten­tious cel­e­bra­tion.

wedding ceremony
wedding kiss
after the wedding ceremony
old fashioned cocktail
Jeff and Heather