Lisa-time, me-time

Our reunion end­ed on a cliffhang­er, where *Skins SPOILERS* Tony gets hit by a bus, Sid finds Cassie, and Angie breaks up with Chris. But fin­ish­ing a sea­son means we have the chance to start some­thing new (or resume anoth­er show), and we tend to alter­nate between com­e­dy and dra­ma, sweet and savoury, while sur­round­ed by kit­ties in the lit­tle nest we make for our­selves.

girl and cat

Cats warm their balls in your hair and make eye con­tact to show dom­i­nance.

I did­n’t real­ize how hard it was to go a whole month with­out her until I saw her again. The time we’ve spent over the last few years has made me com­fort­able enough to let my guard down, and it’s good to be remind­ed that we’re capa­ble of such things every now and then, espe­cial­ly when still deal­ing with trust issues and emo­tion­al trau­ma.

The things we share are often small and sim­ple, as they’re most­ly about plea­sures and we’re eas­i­ly pleased. Actually, it’s more like she’s eas­i­ly pleased, while I’m pleased when oth­ers are hap­py. It’s a dynam­ic that works real­ly well for both of us. I love myself when I’m with her cause she appre­ci­ates me in all the intri­cate ways I want to be appre­ci­at­ed, and that gives me a lot of the val­i­da­tion I need in my life right now.


  1. I’m not eas­i­ly pleased, you just make me hap­py. Well, maybe I’m a lit­tle easy.

    • Or maybe it’s both, that would explain how effort­less it all is.

  2. Hey, that cat has the eyes of a chip­munk :)

    • I agree. I call them almond eyes, cause they remind me of the eyes of cer­tain Asian peo­ple.

      • In defence of almond eyes: Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Jessica Biel, Emma Watson don’t have round eyes. The thing is round eyes look less focused and less pur­pose­ful.

  3. Your place looks as com­fy as she looks.…

    • It’s her place in the pic­ture, actu­al­ly.

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