hair of the dog

I wish Trolley was here so we could play Starcraft 2 like we did when we lived on Island Park. I’d set up my lap­top in his room — he’d have a beer and I’d have a joint — and we’d spend hours against some com­put­ers in Warcraft 3. Or he’d surf the web and lis­ten to music while I wrote in this blog, shar­ing the apart­ment with his kit­ty and mine.

Those were the sum­mers of No Motiv and Coheed and Cambria. The win­ters of Bel Canto and The Dears. I remem­ber being hap­py then.

I wish Aaron and Trolley were here so we could get real­ly, real­ly drunk, even though I don’t drink any­more. Only when I wake up in the mid­dle of the night, and all the thoughts I’ve been push­ing into the back of my head come claw­ing out, leav­ing me with a rest­less mind. I pour a glass of Bailey’s on the rocks and prac­tice scales until the alco­hol makes me fall asleep again.

One time, we went to the Honest Lawyer to cel­e­brate Aaron’s birth­day. In our drunk­en haze, we thought it’d be a good idea to order some piz­za when we got back to my apart­ment (there was a pizze­ria right out­side the side door). Aaron hurled in the gar­den rocks as we were wait­ing for the order. We brought him in, and gave him a pil­low and tow­el cause he want­ed to sleep in the bath­room. He told me lat­er, “I only get that drunk when I’m real­ly depressed”. Sounds good to me.

I wish my friends were here so we could drink like the old days, when we were between school and work, and women.


  1. Hey I’ll drink with you man… any­time

    • It’s fun­ny I’ve nev­er been drunk with you (aside from once at a wed­ding a loooooooong time ago, when we weren’t even friends. I won­der what you’re like, cause I’m not that much dif­fer­ent. Just a lot more clum­sy and nau­seous.

  2. Me too man, me too! I haven’t played in weeks now because there’s always some­thing else that needs to be done. I did­n’t play a bit on the whole long week­end.

    It’s fun­ny think­ing back to those times. It feels so long ago, and I miss them too.

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