Victoria Harbour

Victoria Harbour panorama

(This is a 360° panora­ma that pops up in a new win­dow. Be warned: it’s big.)

Thumbnail: Newsstands
Thumbnail: Bruce Lee statue
Thumbnail: Jet Li handprints
Thumbnail: Night lights
Thumbnail: Train station

The best place to see Hong Kong’s sky­line is at Victoria Harbour. Along the walk­way is the Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong’s ver­sion of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, as well as a bus ter­mi­nal, and the dock­ing area for the Star Ferry.

The world’s largest per­ma­nent light show is here, run­ning every night at 8:00, where many build­ings across the water time their lights to music. I record­ed it, but my footage did­n’t turn out so well with the fog. So here’s some­one else’s awe­some record­ing, that does the show jus­tice.


  1. HI Jeff! Sorry I haven’t had the time to vis­it your blog. I see that you’re in HK! I was there from March 12–16, I did­n’t have time to check out the sights since I was there for fam­i­ly, but glad to see you’re hav­ing fun. We were in Japan for 10 days before hand so we were a lit­tle done with all the touristy stuff :) I can see the sights from your blog which is nice ;)

    • You must have left Hong Kong just as I arrived, which is too bad because we could have hung out. I’m here for fam­i­ly too, but I’m here for three weeks, so the touristy stuff is mixed in with all that. I read your tweet about being in Japan, but your blog has been down for a while so I haven’t been able to read about it. You need to start writ­ing again!

      • Yeah sor­ry, our serv­er died, so my blog and my pic­tures all went down. Alex has been mean­ing to get it back up again, so very soon! I keep my blog at work more or less updat­ed (like once a week if I’m not too busy) but there are some pic­tures.;profile

      • I’ll add this blog to my feed read­er until you get your oth­er one going again.

  2. Wow that fog­gy night sky­line shot is my idea of gor­geous.

    • I so wish I had both a clear and a fog­gy shot though. They’re both so unique and bring such a dif­fer­ent mood.

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