Urban Growth

Me in hoodie and tie

Me in hoodie and tie

Sometimes, I won­der whether it’s me or this city that’s changed more.


  1. Love the sunset/sunrise caught in the store win­dow.

    And your hoodie+tie com­bo ain’t half bad either. :)

  2. If it was­n’t for the live plants in the win­dows I would have thought it aban­doned. I love how you can see the CN tow­er in the dis­tance, it gives your pho­to a sort of sub­tle archi­tec­tur­al con­trast. That, and you can clear­ly tell what city you are refer­ring to with­out hav­ing to men­tion its name.

    P.S. thank you for the first pic­ture :)

  3. The pic­ture of the store is fan­tas­tic. It looks as if it’s say­ing, “That’s just sil­ly old me, and I don’t give a damn what oth­ers think.” Cool.

  4. I want to paint the base of the wall red where the graf­fi­ti is.….

  5. @Life for Beginners — It’s hard for almost any­thing to look bad dur­ing the gold­en hour. I’m not sure if I liked the reflec­tion there, but it to be done.

    @Julie — I’m so glad some­one noticed the CN Tower in the back­ground. It was such a chance cap­ture that I was lucky enough to get because it means so much for this shot. I nev­er even noticed the plants in the win­dow, and would have thought it aban­doned too.

    And you’re wel­come. :)

    @Uncle Joe — It does have a cer­tain qual­i­ty of non­cha­lant exis­tence, and that gives it more per­son­al­i­ty than any­thing else.

    @Tiana — Thank you.

    @Xibee — Red? Why red? I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the blue because it match­es the sky in this shot.

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