Be Still, My Heart

Muse side face

In the dark, our bod­ies fit like puz­zle pieces — face in neck, crest in val­ley, curve in curve. I’m com­plete­ly vul­ner­a­ble when she lets me love her like this. She brings my guard down.

It’s the way she makes me hap­py with­out try­ing. The way I’m filled with ten­der­ness every time I feel the warmth of her skin against mine. The way her exis­tence gives me hope for the rest of the world.

If I chose to fall back on old habits and kept my dis­tance to pro­tect myself, I would­n’t know this inef­fa­ble feel­ing. I may get hurt, but it’s worth every moment I can be next to her.

Maybe she’s right, and I’ll feel dif­fer­ent­ly by the time it’s nec­es­sary. Until then, there’s no use in fight­ing it.

Not that I let myself fall for her.

My heart nev­er gave me a choice.


  1. I think I am in love with a man who thinks very much like you. Reading your words makes my heart­beat accel­er­ate, know­ing that you’re speak­ing words I’ve felt him say­ing to me with his eyes, with his del­i­cate yet firm touch on my body, with his soft, wet kiss­es.

    He nev­er had to think twice about whether or not to fall, the love was there the first time we kissed.

    He even cried, whis­per­ing, “I think I love you already,” the moment after our lips touched.

    I may get hurt, but it’s worth every moment I can be next to her. This is an amaz­ing line that encap­su­lates how com­plete­ly fall­en you are, and how beau­ti­ful, and won­der­ful your love is for her. I wish you the best! I’d like to read more about this love very soon.

  2. You nev­er lose by lov­ing. You always lose by hold­ing back!

    Enjoy this time in your life.…I’m hap­py for you!

  3. @Maeko — It’s always inter­est­ing to learn about oth­er peo­ple’s expe­ri­ences with love. I espe­cial­ly enjoy hear­ing about the kind of love that moves ebul­lient­ly, uncon­trol­lable, which you seem to share with your part­ner. I wish you the best as well.

    @Lucy“You nev­er lose by lov­ing. You always lose by hold­ing back!” Your words are so true. If only you were here to tell me years ago. Thank you.

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