The Cat in the Closet

Dolly on my clothes

When you live with a cat who sleeps on things to mark her ter­ri­to­ry, you nev­er won­der why your clothes are cov­ered with hair.


  1. Adorable! My cats are just the same way. This morn­ing, my one cat had decid­ed to take the jeans I laid out, drag them under the bed and start­ed sleep­ing on them.

    Cat hair every­where!

  2. How adorable indeed.…

    To add to the hair mine leaves on every sin­gle piece of cloth­ing he can find to sleep on, there’s also the car­pet he like to stretch out on, my piloow (which i have to fluff every night to get the hair off), the bot­tom of the bath and yes, the inside of the kitchen cupboards.…everywhere !!

  3. I don’t have the cat prob­lem but I do have dogs. And some­one lied to me when they told me that Shih Tzu’s don’t shed! I keep mine shaved down because I am too lazy to comb their hair every­day (aren’t I hor­ri­ble??) and not to men­tion the heat and humid­i­ty here in Louisiana is just too much to keep them long. Every sin­gle piece of black cloth­ing I own has blond hairs on it from my male dog Loki. Lola is black, so her hair is less notice­able but upon close inspec­tion you find those too! But what can I do? I love them to pieces and putting up with a bit of dog hair here and there is a small price to pay for the love I get in return.

  4. Mine will set­tle for any­thing asso­ci­at­ed with me, bags, books, news­pa­pa­pers, chair…

  5. @deadSkip — I would imag­ine that below the bed is a haven for hair­balls. Luckily, my cat does­n’t drag much around the house.

    @Jean-Pierre — Actually, there’s one spot in par­tic­u­lar in my house that tends to attract hair: an arm of my couch. It’s Dolly favourite place to sleep because it’s rel­a­tive­ly high and cen­tred to offer her a good view, and I’m often there on the couch next to her too. I don’t think I could take hair on my pil­low.

    @Lucy — I think even “hair­less” dogs and cats shed. Along with scratched fur­ni­ture, the excess hair is some­thing that own­ers just accept, because, as you say, it’s a small price to pay.

    @Pearl — That’s inter­est­ing because Dolly won’t sleep on any­thing cold and smooth, like tile or a mag­a­zine. Your cat must have a very fur­ry stom­ach.

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